วันพุธที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

How to Win Merit Scholarships

A merit scholarship, is also known as academic scholarships is given to students who have performed very well in school. Normally very good grades needed in at least one subject.

Typically, the student will have done very well, academic studies, but sometimes merit scholarships to persons who have excelled in sports or cultural given.

If you have a particularly strong student and you have done a very good your grades in school, then you can try toapply for a merit scholarship. The competition is fierce, but most tend to receive scholarships to the students, almost flawless records searched. These scholarships include:

American Rhodes Scholars
Gates Millennium Scholars Program
Harry S. Truman Scholarship Program

These are just three of the possibilities, but they are certainly not the only ones out there. There are literally thousands of Check scholarships.

Whether youSearch for a merit scholarship or just a regular, you will have no problem searching and applying for them.

The Internet makes the process very easy as you easily can search for a scholarship, which is designed with your future career. You can find a company that provides student funding. If not, just enter your data for lottery-type scholarships, which are drawn at random.

As long as the drive to succeed in school to be, your tripto find a scholarship, to be successful. You can find themselves anywhere from $ 1000 up to U.S. $ 20,000 or more, depending on whether you qualify for a merit scholarship or a different type.

Tags : ทำบุญวันเกิด solitabritta.blogspot.com rockycharlot.blogspot.com sonnybrett.blogspot.com

วันเสาร์ที่ 19 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Health Plus Colon Cleanse Reviews

Colon cleansing is the ideal method to gain power over your health, especially if you have seen the consequences of poor nutrition, lack of exercise, chronic constipation, and joint stress of our everyday modern life. A healthy colon is essential for good health, which makes cleaning a must. A colon cleanse your colon can be the chance to rebuild and return to smooth functioning.

The function of the colon~~~~~~~~

The colon consists of the part of the colon, which runs from the cecum up to our rectum. The colon's purpose is to store waste, reabsorb water and helps maintain electrolyte and water balance. The biggest plays no role in the intestine to digest our food, actually - which is already finished in the small intestine. Reabsorbing nutrients and water in our body is the main function of the colon, together with the liberation of the body of toxins and waste materialsthrough regular bowel movements. If the intestine affected, however, problems arise such as constipation, hemorrhoids, ulcerative colitis and colon cancer.

People suffer from various health problems including all types of pain, constipation and lack of energy that can be purchased at once to a dirty bowel. Many problems can ultimately lead to more serious health problems like irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, diarrhea, weight loss problems, visual disturbances,Hemorrhoids, joint pain, blurred vision, memory loss and sinusitis. We should opt for colon cleansing, as this is the only way to rinse out extra toxins that continually antitoxic in the process of introduction.

Colon is one of the main body which affects us all directly or indirectly. If it is blocked, the liver can not perform their task in an appropriate manner. Not work if the liver does not work in an efficient manner, then the renal system properly. SoTo cure all these symptoms and get better start in the process of cleaning, we have to keep our intestines immediately.
A high-quality colon cleanse schedule will help you maintain a healthy weight, but also the maintenance of healthy lifestyles. You should have a regular colon exam with your doctor regularly and a good colon cleanser to maintain a longer, healthier and more productive lives.

Visit : ทำบุญวันเกิด stephanobrad.blogspot.com

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Vivus, Racing Rivals, Says Diet Drug Did Well in Trials

Vivus, a drug developer, said Wednesday that its weight-loss drug produced strong results in two late-stage clinical trials, sending the company’s share price soaring.

Vivus said it would apply by the end of the year for Food and Drug Administration approval of the drug, which is called Qnexa, and would start looking for a pharmaceutical company to help market the product.

“This is better than we’ve seen before,” Dr. Louis J. Aronne, director of the comprehensive weight control program at New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell medical center, said of the results. Dr. Aronne was not involved in the trials but has been an adviser to Vivus and many other companies developing drugs to treat obesity.

Shares were up 70.77 percent, to $11.80, and continued to rise after hours.

With one-third of American adults said to be obese, a successful drug could potentially have billions of dollars in sales. Existing drugs have been plagued by side effects and some have been withdrawn from the market.

Vivus, which is based in Mountain View, Calif., is in a race with two other companies, Arena Pharmaceuticals and Orexigen Therapeutics, both of San Diego, to bring a new diet drug to market.

While the three drugs have not been compared head to head in clinical trials, some analysts said the results achieved by Qnexa were better than those reached by the Orexigen and Arena drugs in their respective studies.

Vivus announced results from two randomized trials, one involving 1,267 morbidly obese patients and the other involving 2,487 overweight and obese patients with other problems like high blood pressure or diabetes. The results have not been peer-reviewed.

After a year, patients on the highest dose of Qnexa had lost an average of 10.4 percent of their weight in one trial and 11 percent in the other, compared with 1.6 percent to 1.8 percent for those taking a placebo. That translates to weight loss of about 9 percent after subtracting the placebo effect, exceeding the F.D.A’s requirement of 5 percent.

Although nearly 40 percent of the patients taking the high dose of Qnexa did not complete a year of treatment, those who did lost an average of 30 pounds in one trial and 37 pounds in the other.

About 70 percent of patients taking the high dose of Qnexa in both trials lost at least 5 percent of their body weight, compared with 20 percent or so of those taking a placebo. That meets another F.D.A. hurdle that at least twice as many patients on a drug as on a placebo lose 5 percent of their body weight.

Vivus also reported that patients taking Qnexa lowered blood pressure, blood lipids and blood sugar, potentially reducing their risk of heart attacks and of diabetes.

Qnexa, taken once a day, is a combination of low doses of two drugs. One is phentermine, a diet drug that was part of the so-called fen-phen combination. (The other drugs in that combination were removed from the market for causing heart valve problems.)

The other drug in Qnexa is topiramate, an epilepsy drug sold as Topamax by Johnson & Johnson that is now open to generic competition.

Vivus said the main side effects of Qnexa were dry mouth, a tingling in the fingers and toes, and constipation. It said it found no evidence of depression, suicidal behavior or cognitive problems, possible side effects which are concerns the F.D.A. has about drugs that act on the central nervous system.
